Monday, November 14, 2011

Last Day in Bangkok

Good evening everyone...yes it is 5:12 here in Bangkok as we relax in the 30 degree plus heat having a Chang "over" beer (justifiably named!)  Yes it is hot...almost hot enough to complain..but then again not quite! 
It was one long journey to get our calculations 45 plus hours of Greyhound bus, taxis, subways, 2 plane flights of over 17 hours, more bus taxis and finally deposited in the middle of the night on Khao San Road in Bangkok.  We can definitely see this getting a little tough to handle as one gets older!
So we don't need gumboots and the good news for us tourists is that we have never seen so few fellow tourists in Bangkok (which is bad news for the very friendly locals).  There is some flooding and I guess the Chao Phraya River is getting higher by the hour but these people are tough...getting flooded out but life goes on as usual.
We have seen a few Pomeranians here...they are a pretty popular dog and have us missing the Spudster.  We have moved from our original nights accommodation into what Lori calls a "jail" at 200 Bhat a night (which is app. 7 dollars)...just getting ready for India I say!  Lots of sandbags everywhere around here...Dylan could pack in his job millwrighting and take up his previous profession as a sand bagger!
No snakes, crocodiles (as reported in various reports which you know must be BS as they would be chopped up and sold to tourists like us as chicken!) just some monitor lizards and lots of garbage.  We took a tuk tuk ride along with the required visits to the gem stores today and had a great time...tomorrow it is off to the floating market then to India where we are supposed to arrive in New Delhi at 11 pm.  Lots of good food here (and cheap!)...we have to move or we won't fit on the plane! Oh yeah...better fill everyone in on what are the latest sale craze in Thailand...this would be Billabongo  (rip off) shorts...a sale item that has moved north from Indonesia (in 2010 this was the big sale item in Indonesia).  We know from experience that although they do look nice you don't want to buy them as they have no liner so your balls hang out of the bottoms! That's all for now...porkchop signing off!  See you in India....

Chris partying on Khao San
750ml Archa 50baht ($1.60) and the usual Changover

Egg delivery Thai style....and we have trouble getting a dozen eggs home unbroken....

Garbage floating in the flooding back eddies...guess this could become a problem...

Flooding near the river

Some minor flooding near the Grand Palace