Friday, June 01, 2007

Motos 101 or how to ride like a 50 year old woman...

Wow - 4 months and over 20,000kms on my bike this trip and I have learned a lot!
I have learned:
- to let Chris ride out front so all the dogs knock themselves out going after him and have no energy left to bother with me
- to keep to the far inside when riding through a blind corner as if you meet someone, they will almost surely be bigger than you and sharing your lane
- that all the honking is not always about me. People here honk for any reason - they are behind you, they want to pass you, they are passing you, to say hi, to tell you you´re riding with your lights on, they are a taxi trolling for a fare, they are going around a corner, they are crossing an intersection, or just because they can!!!!!!
- how to pull a U turn almost anytime and anywhere ( and without warning if I am following Chris)
- riding at over 4000 meters is always cool no matter how bluebird the day is, so layer up and plug in the electric vest (my second best friend)