Nothing exists north of the USA - what happened to us?
Colombian city nestled in the mountains
Southern Colombia along the Pan American Hwy
We made it to Colombia!!! Spent 6 days sailing on the ´Melody´from Portobelo, Panama to Cartegena, Colombia. Spent 4 glorious days on the San Blas Islands. Just amazing - 350 or so small islands scattered about with white sand beaches, blue Caribean water, and coconut palms - the stuff dreams are made of. Spent time visiting the Kuna villages on one of the islands, snorkelling (saw 4 sand sharks, a huge devil ray, barracuda, and the usual assortment of beautiful colored fish), swimming and just soaking up the sun and getting a glimpse into the life of sailing the world from the other sailboats moored near us. Anyway, was an amazing time - glad we held out for this option and didn´t just fly the bikes and us into Bogata. Lori did spend some of the time at sea sick, but oh well... So now we are in Cartegena Columbia - just a beautiful city. Staying near the old historic walled city part which is amazing to see. Have spent three days here, and are leaving to head south tomorrow. Riding in the city is a bit manic, but just taking it slow and easy. (Good thing Lori is along to slow Chris down....)
Two more days to the Ecuador border and over 1200 km on Colombian roads...fantastic people, scenery (especially in the mountains north of Medellin) and some good riding. We have traded in the hot sunny, humid weather for the liquid type and we are starting to pile the clothes on when we climb the huge mountains. Lots of flood damage sure slows down the road trip and its no wonder they have problems with flooding when one looks at the massive deforestation in the mountains! None the less we have never seen a country so green (other than Cambodia) and in the high mountains this country bears some resemblence to Nepal. (except the deforestation is just for cattle grazing not growing crops) The army and police are everywhere (literally spread out every .5 km!) but are super friendly (conscription into the army is mandatory so for the most part they are literally kids) and love the bikes. Talking of which Colombia is MC territory...and no wonder with the price of fuel! Unfortunately there really isn´t much to do because it is unsafe to venture off the main roads and there is no tourist infrastructure because there are no tourists! Cartangena was absolutely wonderful...we loved it and the old city is very beautiful with a long and colorful history. So...we love Colombia! (except we are hating deisel trucks more and more everyday...definitely a major health hazard (might as well be smoking a case of butts a day!) We rode through Medellin, Colombia!!!! Felt surreal to be doing it - very cool.....