Saturday, February 17, 2007

Tribute to Punky

Punky was run over by a car on the morning of February 15th, and though he is no longer with us, his memory will live on forever in our hearts and souls. We are now missing the 3rd partner in our adventure and it has left a big hole. In the few short weeks that Punky was riding with us, he brought smiles and laughter to everyone he met along the way.
We now know why God gave us a little friend like show Lori and I what unconditional love is. Having the life leave those beautiful, joyous eyes while I held him has been the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life. Yes, Punky is gone but only in body as his soul will live on with us and although I will always shed a tear for what would have been, what we had brings nothing but joy and happiness to my heart. And yes Punky I will make sure that Mom and I take good care of ourselves as you have shown us how precious life is.
I just want to say a few words about what I thought Punky believed this trip was all about. I know he loved being on the bike as every morning we would load up camp and hit the road and he would bark and bark for about an hour at everything and sometimes nothing! After that he would settle down and perhaps sleep until he heard (or felt) the bike slow down which usually meant a break or a village, both of which were a special treat.
Although it sounds strange Punky did more than pull his weight on this trip. Everytime we hit a police or military check all we got were lots of laughs and photos and questions about the bonito perro. In Batapilos I remember an old crippled man motioned us over and the smile on his face when he petted Punky was something to behold! In the three weeks we were on the road I guarantee that there wasn't a pom around that got photographed as much as Punky! People would pull out cameras, phone/cameras when I passed them and the smiles on peoples faces in the villages we rode through was something to marvel at. No doubt about it...people loved the Punkster!

So please join us and lift a brew (or a dozen) to the greatest adventure pom that we knew! Lori and I have dedicated this trip to our missing partner as his soul and spirit rides with us all the way!